Fudge Road Crybaby Bridge

Vehicle bridge over water (no longer open to vehicle traffic)

While the Fudge Road Crybaby Bridge is one of the most talked-about bridges in the state, the legend is incredibly vague. It is said that a mother threw her baby off the bridge here “in the 1800s”. A variation of this story says that after she killed her baby, the mother hanged herself under the bridge. In both versions, you are supposed to say “mama” three times in order to hear the baby cry.

Park your car, turn off the ignition, roll down your car windows, and say “mama” three times. The original ritual had you parking on the bridge itself, but a newer variation has you parking near the bridge (possibly because the bridge was recently closed to vehicle traffic).

Located in West Alexandria, Ohio. Sorry, but I don’t really feel comfortable giving specific directions to this particular bridge. The reasons why will become abundantly clear as you continue reading.

A blog reader also recently wrote in to say that Fudge Road is now apparently closed to everything except local traffic and authorized vehicles, meaning you are subject to a ticket or fine if you’re caught on the road. Yet another reason to stay away.

Interestingly enough, while this old, decrepit-looking bridge has long been a part of the creepy legends associated with this road, it was merely a landmark to look for. The original legends of Fudge Road involved such things as the ghosts of men killed in a “drug deal gone bad”, some sort of demonic creature roaming the woods, and, of course, the infamous Midget House.

Presently, I do not show this bridge being “haunted” until 2002 and that was due to a man “in a semi” driving off the bridge and dying. I have not found any references to it being referred to as a Crybaby Bridge until late 2003. Regardless, I find it interesting that while this bridge has now become a focal point of the Fudge Road tales, the legend surrounding it still remains incredibly vague.

Something to point out: the bridge is listed as having been erected in 1913 by the Central States Bridge Company. So if a woman really did throw her baby off a bridge “in the 1800s”, it wasn’t from this bridge.

Almost as legendary as the ghost stories surrounding Fudge Road are the tales of angry neighbors who will chase you off the bridge. I will be honest with you: I visited this bridge numerous times, beginning in the early 2000s, including twice at night, and was not harassed or bothered in the least.

That being said, I have spoken to a lot of reputable people over the years who said they have had everything from bright lights flashed at them to a truck that appeared to be attempting to force them off the road. There are also videos floating around the Internet that appear to show people yelling at cars that are driving down Fudge Road.

Of course, there are also videos showing carloads of young adults appearing to take great delight in doing such things as screaming at the occupied houses on Fudge Road, throwing objects at the abandoned house on Fudge Road, trespassing onto private property, and just generally harassing the people who live along Fudge Road. Oh yeah, and they are doing it under the guise of looking for ghosts. Lovely. Just the sort of thing that ruins it for everyone else. So you can certainly see how the people living near the bridge have had enough of all this ghost business and aren’t in the mood for any more shenanigans. Please leave them alone.

If you’re still considering going out to this bridge, you should know that there are indeed locals who regularly videotape cars and their license plates and they will report you to the local authorities, even if you don’t appear to be doing anything wrong. Simply put, they are tired of the constant harassment. The police are tired of being called out there, too, so if you do happen to run into the local police while out on this bridge, don’t expect them to be in a good mood or interested in hearing all about your ghost-hunting escapades.

And yes, police do regularly patrol the area, especially since 2014, when the body of 18-year-old Justin Back was found in the field right next to the bridge.

The Justin Back case is a very sad and tragic one. In the early evening hours of January 28th, 2014, Justin’s parents returned to their Wayne Township, Ohio, home to find it ransacked, items missing, and Justin nowhere to be found. When Justin’s step-father called 911 to report the incident, he mentioned that he thought some of Justin’s friends might have been involved. That set things in motion and later that evening, police arrested two teenagers: Austin Myers, an acquaintance of Justin’s, and Timothy Mosley. Once at the police station, both confessed to robbing the Back home. They also admitted that they had murdered Justin and dumped his body in West Alexandria.

Austin Myers (L) and Timothy Mosley (R), at the time of their arrest -- Via FOX 19
Austin Myers (L) and Timothy Mosley (R), at the time of their arrest — Via FOX 19

The next day, following leads given by the two teens, police recovered Justin Back’s body, which was found in the field next to the Fudge Road Crybaby Bridge. Interestingly enough, the legend of the bridge has become so widespread that news reporters actually referred to the location as “Crybaby Bridge”.

As police continued to question Myers and Mosley, a very sad, disturbing story began to unfold. Turns out the pair were originally just planning to rob the home, believing there was $20,000 in a safe there. However, the two soon changed their plan to include murdering Back, although reasons why were never made clear. But weeks before, they began keeping a journal, describing how they would commit the crime.

Of course, that journal would come back to haunt them at their trials. They were both found guilty. Mosley, who had earlier agreed to testify against his partner in crime, was sentenced to life without parole. Myers, on the other hand, was sentenced to death, making him the youngest person ever sent to Death Row by the state of Ohio.

Lost in all of this was the fact that a young man with a promising future lost his life for no good reason. Justin’s family has since created a memorial web page, Remembering Justin Back, which I encourage all of you to visit if for no other reason than to pay your respects.

So there you have it: the sordid history of the Fudge Road Crybaby Bridge. And if the practically non-existent ghost story, potential safety issues of the bridge, and cranky neighbors aren’t enough, hopefully the increased police patrols will help convince you that visiting this bridge really isn’t that great of an idea.

Personal Experiences
I would love to hear your stories about this bridge. However, I would prefer that your stories took place in the past—please don’t visit this bridge. I will also not post any stories that involve trespassing or any form of harassment, including repeatedly driving up and down Fudge Road in the middle of the night.
Share your story with me here!

Additional Information
New Details Learned In Justin Back Death: WLWT News Report
Remembering Justin Back
Second Killer Gets Life In Prison For Justin Back’s Murder
The Shadowlands
USA Today: Ohio 19-year-old Sentenced To Death

Abbeyville Road Bridge
Abbeyville Road Railroad Bridge
Alliance Crybaby Bridge
Blackrabbit Road Crybaby Bridge
Brubaker Road Covered Bridge
Cable Train Overpass
Cedarville Crybaby Bridge
Clinton Crybaby Bridge
Crybaby Hill (Harris-Jones Cemetery)
Crybaby Lane (Euler Road)
Crybaby Tunnel
Crying Bridge
Crystal Springs Crybaby Bridge
Egypt Road Crybaby Bridge 
Fudge Road 
Gore Orphanage Road Crybaby Bridge
Greely Chapel Road Crybaby Bridge
Helltown Crybaby Bridge
Hyde Road Crybaby Bridge
Lefevre Road Crybaby Bridge
Mary Jane’s Bridge
Myrtle Hill Road Crybaby Bridge
Newton Falls Covered Bridge
Palmer Road Crybaby Bridge
Pfeiffer Crybaby Bridge
Philo Crybaby Bridge
Pitchin Crybaby Bridge
Rogues' Hollow Crybaby Bridge
Screaming Bridge
Sidney Crybaby Bridge
Stover Road Crybaby Bridge
Tindall Bridge
Wisner Road

Crybaby Bridge Project Home Page

I'm done with these bridges! Take me home, please!

106 Thoughts

  1. I grew up and still live only a few miles from fudge road. For the 36 years I have lived here it has been called cry baby bridge.

    1. Sara, thanks for the note. When it comes to urban legends, it’s always great to hear from the locals, especially ones who have been in the area for as long as you have. To be honest, I have never heard of it being known as a Crybaby Bridge for that long. And with that in mind, do you know why it became known as a Crybaby Bridge? In other words, do you know the ghost story behind it?

      1. I grew up in Gratis, I’m 30, and it’s always been called Crybaby Bridge to my knowledge. It’s because of the story of the woman killing her baby there.

      2. The story about the bridge was made up by a woman from Germantown, who thought of herself as a witch. She invented this story in the late 80’s or early 90’s and would recite it to children at the local libraries at Halloween. It got printed several times in local papers again around Halloween. Then the internet got going and the rest is history. As a local I can tell you that there is absolutely, nothing haunted about Fudge Rd. or the bridge; except the volumes of bored out-of-county visitors, who quickly discover that there aren’t any Ghosts around, and decide to make there 30 minute trip worthwhile, by harassing the residents of the road. Decades of abuse has prompted the county to recently take action. Fudge Rd. is now posted “LOCAL TRAFFIC ONLY”. This means it is now illegal for anyone to be on Fudge Rd., who does live on the road, or has official business on the road, such as, delivery mail ,UPS , etc. The police have already written a number of tickets; and anyone they see on Fudge Rd. will, at a minimum ,get a ticket . The bridge is no longer legally accessible. Therefore, please consider removing Fudge Rd. from your list of haunted sites, as well as from your website, except to warn your readers that it is illegal to go there. Thank You.

      3. Hattie, thanks for the post. Great stuff! And to be honest, I’m intrigued with your mention of the Germantown woman making up the story. That’s a new wrinkle I hadn’t heard before. Also, I’ve gotten reports of people visiting the bridge prior to the time frame you mentioned for the Germantown woman. Very intriguing and definitely worth looking into. Thank you!
        Regarding removing Fudge Road from my site and “list of haunted sites”, I see no reason to do that, especially since I do not have any such list. Rather, Fudge Road is part of a list of alleged sites that have become entwined with a popular urban legend. A legend that, in and of itself, is believed to be entirely fictitious. And as far as telling people to stay away from the location, my original post (as well as those of other readers, including you) make it abundantly clear that people need to stay away. So again, thank you!

      1. Dear Mr. Willis, Regarding your July 6th post, I understand your point about not deleting Fudge Rd. from your lists of sites; however, it would be a positive public service to prominently mention in the preceding description of the legend of ‘Crybaby Bridge’, the fact that it is now ” illegal” for any unauthorized person to be on Fudge Rd. And that a great many $175 tickets are being written each week by Preble County deputies for people who foolishly ignore the ‘Local Traffic Only’ sign at the beginning of the road. There are many other so-called “haunted” sites that folks could investigate where they would not be subject to a stiff fine and points on their driver license. I’m sure your readers would appreciate the ‘heads-up’ advise that will save them money. hattie.

      2. Hattie,
        I appreciate your concern regarding my blog readers. I was not aware that all of Fudge Road was now Local Traffic Only. Per your request, I have added language to that effect in the “Location” section of the Fudge Road legend.

      3. I lived in the house next to the bridge and in the basement there is a big as pot like the ones witches used i seen with my own eyes and on the floor craved a sideways triangle

    2. I am 41 and been to that bridge many of times. Nothing but neighbors chasing u. The real cry baby bridge isn’t their. I have been on the real cry baby bridge and was scared to death. I will not say no more bout this.

    3. I grew up in Eaton and it’s always been known as crybaby bridge from before the 80’s. We would hang out there as teenagers in the 80’s. Always drove down the road to the bridge to try and be spooked. Always heard of the lady and baby dying there.

  2. I went there, the summer of 2014 and got charged for harassment and trust passing, my option don’t go there unless you want charged. There are guys aross the road from the bridge and they video tape you the whole time you’re down there and the road is closed..

  3. To the best of knowledge: there is one occupied house on the road. The “crazy lady” as she was called in my youth and the man in the truck. She is a lawyer and keeps meticulous records of all cars on the road and actions. She has been offered by the county several times to have the entire road be made a private lane and has refused to do so.

  4. I went there twice. One time at night, which we were told they held KKK meetings there and we were literally chased out by a couple cars that were yelling at us. Then we went back that morning after to really get a look at what we just saw and saw a poor baby deer hanging from the bridge. I use to have a picture. And everything down there was just dirty and creepy feeling.

  5. I went there when I was 16 and I’m 25 now…me and a couple of friends drove down the road…there was a big white barn or garage rite by the road when we drove passed it in red paint it said something about our babies I can’t remember exactly we got a pic…then we went to the end of the road and turned back around to drive back down it again and the paint on the barn was gone

  6. Been there numerous times when I was a young kid growing up with friends. One of the times we went, there was a baby doll naked hanging upside down by the neck in a tree above the road as you drove past. And on the barn in red letters it said something about dead dafeatus…crazy but God as my witness I know what we saw and that’s all that matters. I don’t care what anyone says that place is freaky. Even the house by the barn. Period. Definitely a crazy childhood memory of mine I’ll always remember-

  7. Fell free to contact
    But you should get your facts straight about Justin Back. Please correct your article. Or legal matters could happen.
    Thanks Justin Dad

    1. Thank you for the note. All of the information regarding Justin Back was compiled from the news articles cited at the end of the story. But if you believe any of that information is in error, please let me know the specifics and I am more than happy to correct and/or retract any erroneous information.

      1. Katie, your last message, which I approved, has mysteriously disappeared from the site. Not sure if you deleted it or not. If you didn’t and can re-post it, I can assure you it will appear here. Not sure what happened, although I know that this site will sometimes flag messages as spam if more than several come through from the same person within a short period of time. But as I said, if you’d like to re-post it, I will make sure it makes it onto the site as I believe what you wrote should be heard.

        Regardless, I did change the article to reflect “step-father”. Please feel free to pass along any other errors and I will be happy to correct.

        I am truly sorry for your family’s loss.

    2. Thank you for the change. Corey I don’t now him but we are in contact with the family that murdered our son. It to make it clear the murder was planned and both boys knew it.

      (Ed. note–The following is Katie’s original post, which was inadvertently deleted):
      Hi this is Justin family. His dad and step mom. In article please change that it was his step dad came hime and found everything a mess not his dad. Also, you do have a lot of errors in your article. But to Corey. Both boys went there to kill they had it all planned out. Also, you are right this article states about fudge rd. But unfortunately Justin is part of that for two people killing him. Corey you are more than welcome to contact us we are friends on Facebook with a couple of the family members of one of the boys that killed Justin. Thank you

      1. You’re more than welcome. Happy to make any other changes you deem necessary. And I sincerely apologize if my post has caused you and your family to relive any painful memories. That was never my intent. Rather, it was simply to make people aware of the real tragedy associated with Crybaby Bridge.

        Again, please accept my condolences.

  8. For one, Timmy Mosley may have been with Myers but his intention was never to hurt any one. I know Timmy very well. He is sweet and caring. And if you don’t know what really happened don’t make a stupid blog about it. I’m going to share this on Facebook so people who agree with me will comment. I want this removed. Our at least take his name and his picture off. THis is not the story if “crybaby bridge”. Do you know the family you are upsetting right now with this stupid blog? Of course not, no one thinks about anything but themselves in this world.

    1. Corey,
      I appreciate your comments. And my intention was not to upset anyone with my, as you succinctly put it, “stupid blog”.

      You are also correct that I “don’t know what really happened.” Indeed, given what’s in the court transcripts, it would appear that not even the parties involved are really sure what happened. It would seem to just be a sad, tragic event.

      Regarding your allegations of my portrayal of Mr. Mosely, reading through my post I don’t see anything in there that is in conflict with the news articles and reports that I reference at the end of the post. His name and photograph, including the one in my post, all appear in various news reports and are a matter of public record.

      Concerning your comment that this is not the story of Crybaby Bridge, I respectfully disagree. While the incident is certainly not a part of the legend associated with the bridge itself, it has, in fact, become part of the mythos associated with the area. In fact, if you read and/or watch the news reports listed in my post, you will hear and see the reporters actually refer to the location as Crybaby Bridge. One final note: my research did uncover several new versions of the legend which did, in fact, try and incorporate the real, tragic events into the legend of the bridge. But while my goal is to simply compile all variations of the legend, these were clearly fabricated and out of respect for all involved, I did not include them on this site.

      Should you have any other questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

  9. Grew up about a mile from fudge road and I did the bridge ritual when I was 16 I swear this to be true, we heard a cry we got back in and drove off then we went back a couple minutes later to do it again and it happened 3 more times all of which were closer to us and the last one sounded like it was right in front of my car. I put my word on it that this story is 100% true.

  10. I for one didn’t believe any of the stories. I’ve been going there since 2003. Two years ago, some friends and I went there. We had a few experiences. Things that seem unbelievable and just seem like a dream to me now. We were all in different vehicles and had our own experiences. I will not go down that road again. I wouldn’t suggest anyone else going down that road either.

    1. William, your words seem to echo those of most who went down the road “back in the day”. By most accounts, it was just a spooky road that is now best avoided…for a variety of non-ghostly reasons.

  11. I loved growing up by there and hearing the stories.. and also visiting it many times! Some strange but mostly our imagination 🙂 I feel horrible for the people who live there or around there.. now the rude comments you’re getting is a tad bit ridiculous.. both of those boys are monsters… a boy is dead because of them.. that’s why one is spending his life in jail and the other is being put to death.. if you’re related to either one of them.. be grateful people still want to talk about them ..who cares who they were before.. this blog isnt about their innocence, or their personalities .. its about them throwing a boys body by the “Cry baby bridge” Bravo and great bblog!

  12. In 2010 a group of friends and I were driving from an old dirt road to cry baby bridge and back, we turned around in a drive way to go back to the bridge and the next thing we know we are being chased by two cars and boxed in. One on the side and one behind us. We were chased at about 100mph all the way to gratis. Nothing ever happened besides that, and I couldn’t agree more that it was just people that lived locally tired of teens like us not leaving them be.

  13. I want to say 2006-2007 three of my friends n I headed out to crybaby bridge. They told me we were going to drive past this farm that had a lot of deer. Once arriving I was young n dumb scared as ever lol. We hungout on crybaby bridge for a minute drive down the street, pasted a big farm house and etc. We finally arrived to this dead end tons of corn surrounding us n we just passed this house that was on the left. So we turn back around these people were outside having a bonfire. We stopped n asked hey do you mind if we used your restroom n they at first gave us a hard time but ended up letting us. Let’s just say we ended up hangout with these people I think their name was Berry n Judy. They told us stories about how people would drive down their road n harass them, vandalize their house and throw rocks threw their windows. 14 valley view studens got introuble for busting the windows of the their house and some other stuff. Anyways we go to leave n my friends get sometimes had troubles n it would start. So were thinking oh man were going to have to stay the night at these people’s house we just met and it being my first time visiting fudge road. Finally got the car started driving back n there’s this big White House on our right n were see something in front of us. It’s a car sitting on this road facing us just sitting there with the head lift off so we kinda get a little closer n they start flashing the car lights at us. We could tell the windshield was busted n that a guy was in the drivers seat by him self n every time that lights would come on as we got closer this guy had this scary grin on his face. Lol we defiantly hauled ass out of there then.

  14. You forgot one crybaby bridge. The main one most people I know talk about. Its located in gratis oh. The bridge is closed too. Im not sure if its mistaken for west alexandria. But its in gratis. I’ve got a couple stories about the place if you’d like to know them. But it is private property owned by a woman and several other people in her family. Some people say shes a witch. But I think she is a lawyer. One of the biggest things everyone should know is its private property. And they do have permission to shoot anyone who tresspasses on their property.

  15. Love the blog! I have several stories that I could share about Fudge Road and Crybaby Bridge itself, but I thought I would share the very last experience I had before the road was completely shut down. Me and my best friend would go on nightly drives to Gratis to find solitude from the hustle and bustle of the city. This night was just like any normal night. As we turned onto Fudge Road we saw a luminous light up ahead. We were use to strange and thought nothing of it. As we got closer the light got brighter. On the left hand side of the street stood a White House about a little over the half way mark of the road. The house appeared to be abandoned and boreded up. When we finally pulled up to the house, we had no words, this was the strangest thing we had ever seen. Someone had put up a very tall barbwire fence around the property. The strange part is that the barbwire was facing inwards instead of outward. Which could only mean that whatever was inside could never escape. Then we noticed what was inside. A huge pig was inside the fence, when I say huge, this pig was the biggest one I had ever saw! The pig was severely overweight and resembled a boar. To this day we are still dumbfounded by this. We guessed that it had to do with some type of research. I have never heard of anyone else seeing this. The house was one close to the road. Overnight they had set up what appeared to be a trap, once you were inside there was no getting out. We were there the night before and there was nothing, no fence, no light, no pig. We later came to the conclusion that they were trying to catch the “Caucker” a Sasquatch type carnivorous creature that was rumored to roam the land out in Gratis. The next day we ventured out to see it again, come to a rationalization, but the road was blocked and closed. We thought it needed repaired and would open back up but it never did. To this day, I still get an il uneasy feeling about our sighting. I really wish we knew what was going on.

    1. Actually, I had been going down to fudge road almost nightly between 2009 and 2010. The pig had always been there which was weird. The grass was about 5 feet high inside the fence so you couldn’t always see it. And it was there for God knows how long and myself and friends had never ever heard anyone else talk about it. So on the house, the roof is pointed and where the point meets at the roof, there is also a security camera that has a red light on. Isn’t that mind blowing? A boarded up house with an impossible to get into fence with a live pig in the yard and a security camera. The road may not be haunted but something is definitely amiss.

  16. im 34 and I’ve been a Gratis native my whole life and still live here today! I’ve always known the bridge on Fudge Rd. to be called cry baby bridge…but I also know of another version of what goes on when your on the bridge!! When parked in your car you roll your windows down and yell “I’ve got your baby” three times and then roll your windows back up, wait a couple minutes and folklore has it that your windows will steam up in that you’ll see little baby footprints on your windows!! I’ve been down there many times when I was in middle school high school and even after I graduated and to this date I’ve never had anything happen but sometimes when your down there in the thick of it all your intuition is telling you somethings not right and I always felt like someone was watching from behind or even underneath you!!

  17. Ive been to fudge rd. It was either 2002 or 2003. The thing I thought was weird was that towards the end of the road there was an abandoned house that was boarded up and had a tall chain link fence around it and two German shepherds guarding the house.

  18. Just to help you out a bit…..my friends and i used to frequent Fudge road as teenagers in the late 90’s and continued as young adaults. It was always called crybaby bridge when we were young and we were always told about the mother throwing her baby over. (I’m pretty sure that’s the rumor behind most crybaby bridges.) We also heard other rumors such as kkk meetings and cult practices. Regardless, we never saw anything out of the normal but we loved to drive down there because of the uneasy feeling we would get. It is a creepy road. Plus it was fun to take newbies down and make up our own stories. Ahhh, the good life.

    1. Brandy, great stuff! Thank you! Always love hearing from people that can help me trace the origins of the legend back further than I originally thought! Weird question, but do you remember who you first heard the legend from? And if so, can you hunt them down and see if they remember when they first heard it? Trying to see if the legend goes back even further! Thanks again!

      1. My mom and her friends use to go down that road. She is now 58. So, you’re pretty far back at that point. She graduated from Dixie in 75.

  19. This is wild to read still years later. I grew up in the area and always were there stories circulating on what went down on Fudge Rd. (Late 90’s) My best friends mother, growing up, had multiple experiences with the midget house, bridge and “the old crazy witch”, she would share her stories and our curiosity (5th graders) had us always begging her to drive us down there. After a few trips, that resulted in no more than us just scaring the piss out of each other, we finally had our own story to tell. We had gathered up in the truck and headed on our normal cruise to that dreadful road. Up and down rollercoaster hill, around the bin passing the huge, empty fogged out fields & just past the dark cemetery you could see the light that magnifies the creepy midget house, there was something different about this night. We made our right and immediately you could feel the silence, as we creeped onto the bridge, you could imagine our surprise when the headlights “all the sudden” went out and between the darkness and the adults squealing, the fear had set in!! Parents haha. As they laughed and we were almost in tears we continued on with the normal drive by, honk three times and take off, attempting to make “her” chase us, like the stories we had heard. Unfortunately like our other adventures we were not chased but the thrill really had us going, we went up turned around at the dead end and headed back through for our return home. We turned the first corner, then the next and in the mess of our laughter we never seen the headlights coming. In one split second we were nose to nose with another truck and after a very very loooong, mouths dropped, terrifying pause, the truck in front of us inched out and came around to the drivers side. Slowly rolling down the window all you could see was her white hair with darkness shadowing her face, she could have said hello who knows haha our only option was to scream and haul ass out of there, needless to say we finally got what we asked for and the nightmares last awhile!! We went back after that but nothing ever compared to the night we finally came face to face with her!! Funny to think back on now, I’m sure if I was in her shoes I too would have been tired of the harassment and joined in on making the stories true!!

  20. I personally went down this road with two of my friends. Not for the cry baby bridge part but because of the crazy neighbors. We went down the road and before we got to the bridge which is closed there was barbed wires, luckily we stopped before running over it. After a long time of turning around which is hard because the road is so narrow we went to head back. As we were driving we saw a car parked at the end of a drive way. There was a flash and I saw a man hanging out the window with a camera. He took our picture! We sped off just in time to nearly miss a speeding truck coming down a different road. Needless to say I’ll never go back.

  21. Been there many times and the story about your windows fogging up with footprints is the story i knew. We were young and little scared so we didnt stick around. We used to drive down lower gratis road and that was more scary. Then there is Brubaker bridge in gratis with the story of the football team and a cheerleader or something. If nobody ever heard any stories about these places there wouldnt be nothing to be scared of besides trespassing !

    1. yes lower gratis is sooo scary! we found an entire camp site that looked like some one had just dumped it in one of those curves… I didn’t want to know why or how it got there… but it does have tasty spring water that we used to stop and fill jugs with but only during the day. 😉 Seven mile road where the split over pass is … all those symbols on it, too creepy for me… I won’t go down that one.

  22. I was born and raised in W Alex. I was in high school in the 70’s. It was called crybaby bridge and also where kkk held meetings there. Went to the bridge one time with friends. Nothing happened but just being there was enough for me. I think people should just stay away from the area

  23. I have lived in the area my whole 26 years and have known it to be cry baby bridge. Have gone down the road a handful of times each year since I’ve had my license(haven’t been down there in a long while though). Two of my friends and I have even walked down the road to the bridge, a white cat followed us the whole time. My friend threw it off the bridge, and it still found its way back to us. Never experience anything really creepy but being there after hearing all the stories just gave the road and bridge a creepy feeling. A group of us were chased off the road before, as we were leaving and turning on to 503 another car was turning into fudge road. Then it turned around and chased us all the way to west Alex and we lost it somewhere in town. Always fun to hear stories about other friends’ experiences too

    1. Poor pathetic POS for a human throwing a cat………… ohhh and a bigger POS watching it and blogging about it. May we try throwing you off next?

      1. Just to be clear, Jen, I wasn’t involved in any throwing of any cat off of any bridge. You mentioned the “bigger POS” blogging about it. I’m the author of the blog, but the comments left by the readers are theirs alone. The two cats currently sleeping at my feet just wanted to make sure you knew that!

  24. i grew up in the 80’s and we’d drive out there from Xenia – back then it was called crybaby bridge on fudge road & we were usually so drunk or high it was more of a thrill seeking ride where the guys scared the girls so they could “offer comfort & protection” among other services…… LOL There are lots of bridges with stories attached to them all thru the state of Ohio

  25. We drove the road once when I was about 20 (mid 90s) in the middle of the day on a Sunday afternoon, gorgeous sunny day in our convertible, top down. After we crossed the bridge it clouded over. Within minutes we had to hurry and put up the top and it just poured rain so hard you couldn’t see 2 feet on front of you. We passed the barn with the truck sitting in it then turned around. Passing the barn again the truck was just gone. As we crossed the bridge again the rain stopped and the sun was out full and bright and not even a cloud in the sky. It was super freaky!! Also have always heard it called crybaby bridge also but don’t know anything about the origin.

  26. Went to cry baby bridge or fudge road when I was a senior in high school. I was 17 at the time and have refused to go ever since. Three of my friends and myself went over the bridge ..a little spooked just hearing all of the stories. Nothing really happened all the way down the road besides are own thoughts, and our own minds tricking us. But, once we turned around we saw a truck with its lights on and it’s drivers side door still open..but no one inside. It was parked on the side of the road..and we figured some kids had gotten out to walk around. But, once we had driven a little farther we saw an old man with kids laying in the grass with their hands over the head. That’s when we realized the old man had a shot gun and was threatening the children. At the Tim, our car was trapped by the other children’s vehicle and we were unable to move due to the narrowness of fudge road. At the time we were in a two door jeep with the doors off and the roof off. We were trying to get past the car in front of us and the older man had walked up and put a gun to my head and said “do you have a problem” we responded with no sir. Then the car in front of us started to move down the road and before we followed them a woman with grey hair took our picture. We all ducked down in the car unsure of what the picture was for. That was a scary night for me…and I swore to never go back and I advise people to never go.-heather

  27. Been there a few times back in early 2000’s. Couple friends and I heard the rumors, had to go see for ourselves. The only distinct thing I remember, just like others have commented, the old white barn with letters written on it. Except with my experience, the words read, “Kevin Eats Flesh,” and it was written in what looked to have been red spraypaint. Other than that, I barely remember anything from that adventure.

  28. Grew up not too far away and in the 90s we drove out there a few times to scare ourselves. I always drove so I was trying to be a good girl and pay attention to the road so I don’t remember much about the road except it was narrow very dark creepy. But both times I remember something weird happened to my car while there. First I was smoking and windows wouldn’t roll up so that was scary to drive thru that with them down only for them to work once we got back to main roads. Then my headlights wouldn’t work. I had to turn my fog lights or high beams ( I can’t remember just knew my regular lights were dead) only for them to work later once we got to manning road I believe. We always took a bat with us for protection. Oh those were the days!!

  29. I grew up in WA and we drove down Fudge road a lot in the early 2000’s. We parked on the bridge but we only heard any weird noises once and that could have been just about anything. Most nights nothing at all happened, but we enjoyed going down the road because it was creepy. Once further down the road from the bridge, my friends car completely died and we couldn’t get it started again without pushing it and finally popping the clutch. My van sputtered and almost died around the exact same time, but I hit the gas and kept it running. That scared us a bit, but not enough to not go back.

  30. This is really strange….I live in a small town Urbana,Ohio….there is a bridge here on Black Rd. called crybaby bridge ,the same story applies a woman supposseably threw her baby from it years ago,I’m 56 and don’t no when this happened but that’s what I’ve heard…your suppose to be able to hear the baby cry at the stroke of midnight along with a train whistle…this is also close to a small town named Cable so that might be the one on your list…I have never been there at midnight but I have driven over it….I’m just to superstitious

  31. I’m 43 years old and it’s been called cry baby bridge ever since I could remember I lived in farmersville for the first 21 years of my life many trips to this bridge never anything abnormal heard ever story about it even one saying the midgets would chase you in a limousine never happened

  32. Ok, I grew up in Gratis which is really the town it is in, its on the very edge of West Alex, and the article does not mention anything about the lady that was crazy and swore she was a witch that lived there. My dad and I have stories about that family … and it is no joke. Dad said he went “parking” 30 years or so ago and she jumped on the roof of his car and freaked out … My story was she was hiding in the weeds, about 11 years ago, waiting for people to park on the bridge and come running like a bat out of hell at us! Also we did have a truck run us off the road, he revved his engine as us with his lights on bright, right on us for a while, which creeped us out but we wanted to go out the other side not turn around… but we ended up in the field. It might not have been haunted but nothing good ever came from a night on Fudge Rd.

  33. Been there several times in and around like 2005-2009 maybe… Crazy place! We heard that you have to take the keys out of your car get out of the car put them on the windshield and say mama 3 times and that your car would not start when you got back in… we did that and when we got back in my brand new jeep wouldn’t start it took 4 tries for it to actually turn over and start! It was crazy! We also had an experience with some of the people following/chasing us… and lots of strange lights

  34. I grew up in Germantown, fudge rd is just something u do for fun when you grow up in a small town! But the ” crazy lady ” you speek of pass away a few years back. Her name was Harriet.. people messed with her house. . And she would chase them away..( in her Cadillac) I get it.. I would too! The gentalmant next to her
    did the same in his pickup. As for the bridge ive been there probably 50 timez
    in my 30 years.. and nothing ever
    happened. ( turn ur car off put the key
    s on top scream I killed ur baby) … but never herd or seen a thing..a friend of mines father moved there after we
    graduated high school…. he constantly had people messing around the house.. and yes his names berry( for one of the comments above) ..the house across from Harriets that is finced up with dogs… rumor has it there was a meth leb.. or some kind of drug making goin on there but not 100% sure. But in my younger years we had a blast tryin to freak our selfs out! Its defiantly creepy. But dont belive its ” haunted” just people tired of getting harassed.

  35. My first time ever going to fudge road was back in July of 2012! I was 15, and was terrified bc of all the stories I heard. We started on one side of the road (part that doesn’t have houses) and got to the bridge, and the boys got out, and I took a picture of them leaning over the bridge closure signs. Nothing happened, but I was not getting out of the car. After, we turned around and drove to the other side of the road (part w the houses) and got all the way to the bridge. Nothing happened, so we started honking. We got scared so we drove away, and came back again, same as before, got to the bridge and turned around. We stopped in the middle of the road and just looked around, then all of a sudden a car started to the right of us and the lights turned on, so we booked out of there. Still not satisfied, we went back for a third time, and we saw the car that had started, and in the front seat was the creepiest little man I have ever seen. His face was disfigured, and it was just weird. We were scared, so we left for good that time. Besides my first time, every other time I’ve gone, nothing has happened. Still an adventure, and we take a carful when we decide to go!

  36. I heard the stories growing up in Gtown. As teens we would go out to CBB but next had anytging spooky happen. Many years later, my then M.S daughter, (in West Carrollton) who’s now 23, and her friend heard the CBB stories at school and wanted to go too. A friend and I loaded up our vans and took a bunch of kids (with parental permission) They didn’t hear anything and had more fun scaring each other. I was sitting in the driver seat, van running in park and no feet on the peddles when my van suddenly lurched forward about two feet. We decided that it was time to GO, lol

  37. Fudge road is definitely in Gratis. I’ve been there quite a bit thru the years, starting back from ’06 on to ’12, but unfortunately never had anything supernatural happen. Walked the creek bed at night with a buddy and everything on a Halloween night, same night that meteor exploded in the sky (can’t remember the year. between ’07 and ’09). Its a good place to scare yourself. Most of the houses are more terrifying than the bridge.

  38. Been out there several times around 2005-2007 and we were chased off the road more times then not. One time we had parked our vehicle a little ways back off the road towards the woods and were standing on the bridge just shooting crap. We heard a vehicle coming and all ran and hid in the woods, it was a red truck that blew past us. We waited until he was at the end of the road at the stop sign and came back out to the bridge. The truck was just sitting at the stop sign, and it looked like he was gonna turn right, but… he pulled a u-turn and was coming back our way at what could have been 80-90 MPH. We ran as fast as we could to the car parked some ways back, and could sense the headlights behind us getting brighter and closer. We practically threw ourselves in the car and got moving just as he got behind us, and he chased us down the road at 80+ MPH, staying right on us, and stayed on us for a while through Gratis. I could be wrong, but I honestly think he wouldn’t have stopped if we stayed on thr bridge. Most of the time the vehicle was a green cadillac though.

  39. I grew up in a nearby city and frequented the fudge road area 2002-2009 in school with lots of stories. As kids we were told the typical story of cry baby bridge, but also that there was a drug ring there as well (if the lamp shade in the big house on the right was tilted they were in business). We heard rumors thats why they really chased you away, and that the local law enforcement was in on it… Anyway first time we went we got lost, stopped in an ice cream shop near Gratis for directions and the way the people acted just fueled our interest… “why fudge road? You could get hurt” and so on. Over our years of trips, we had been chased by various vehicles, heard gun shots, screaming, had cars stall out on that bridge,and many odd things were painted on that white barn. One time it said “you will die” and someone came out of the barn in a car and chased us. We saw alot of weird things thats for sure!

  40. I have one thing to add and that is that the kkk was no where to be found but there are satanist who practice in the area.

  41. I lived in Gratis, on Indian Hill dr, which was about 3 minutes from the Infamous Fudge Road Crybaby Bridge, from 1990-1993, I stayed with my cousin through the summers, and me being 16 and boy crazy, would go out late at night to chill with some of the local boys, and a few girlfriends running the streets of Gratis, and mostly the gang of Indian Hill… I am now 40 yrs old, and still amazed at the things we all seen on that dreadful bridge, and road, I never believed the stories and rumors of the Crybaby bridge, but one dark, and stormy night, the Indian Hill gang and I, were bored, had nothing to do, it was storming, so we couldn’t walk the streets, so we loaded up in my car and headed to Fudge Rd, it was quite an experience, as I thought nothing would happen, I parked in the middle of the bridge, turned my lights and car off, rolled down my Windows, and began to say the saying, that I was told by my grandparents, to say when on the bridge, it goes like this… Crybaby born here, Crybaby lived here, Crybaby died here, DONT WAKE CRYBABY!!! Then I turned my lights on, and low and behold, everything I heard was so very true, we all heard a baby crying, and over to the side of the bridge was a puddle of rainwater, which showed the image of a newborn baby’s face looking up through the water crying, we were so terrified, we all ran screaming to my car, I tried to start it, but wouldn’t start, when suddenly a woman appeared with a rope in her hand on the other end of the bridge running toward us, screaming ” you killed my baby”, when she almost got to the car, it started, and I flew out of their like a bat out of hell. As I was speeding down the dirt road, we seen little people hiding in the corn, and they came out chasing us until we reached the big white barn, which an old Gray headed woman came out with a gun, threatening to shoot if we didn’t leave that instant, so we left. Needless to say, I went back a few more times with my friends from my hometown of Miamisburg, and different things happened each time we visited Fudge Road. It was a very interesting childhood…

  42. I never had the cajones to actually go, but I heard stories about Fudge Road/Crybaby Bridge as far back as 25 years ago, I’m 31 now. I first heard about it from one of my mom’s friends when we lived in Dayton. He told me about the midgets, the car chases, the baby crying, all that stuff you mentioned.

    Around the time I was in Junior High in West Carrollton (about 30 minutes East from Fudge Road), one of my friends added on to the car chase story, saying that it was an old 1959ish Cadillac Hearse that would chase you down the road.

  43. Correction, There are 2 occupied homes on the road, and the farms that are along the road are owned by three different families. Therefore it is not all owned by the lawyer and her husband and could never be made into a private road. The harrassment of the residents there is disgusting and beyond “teenage antics.” One of the occupied homes is my familiy’s farm and the home of a WWII veteran and his wife. They dont harass anyone but are CONSTANTLY yelled at by punks from their cars, threatened by phone, and have cars honking outside in the middle of the night. People should respect the privacy of the residents and if you are going to drive down there and get out of your car realize you are tresspassing, Its illegal and you can be held accountable for your actions.

    1. Truer words were never spoken, Lyn. Thank you! Sadly, I would have to agree with your assessment is correct in that some of the activity down there goes beyond teenage antics. For the life of me, I don’t understand the harassment. My hope is that more people will see this page and messages from people like you and think twice about going down there to cause trouble. As I’ve tried to stress in my article, what was once an innocent Legend Trip has now degenerated to the point where I think it’s just best if everyone leave the Fudge Road families and their property alone.

      1. Not to be.. ” that person” but Harriet ( lawyer) lived alone..and and there was the gentleman next door to her ( that an that would chase u in his truck) . 2 houses down the little hill past the barn . And then my friend’s father’s house… Harriet owend most of the land out there. And bc there was only a few houses is why she tryed to make it ” privite”-

      2. Harriet passed away, the two that I am referring to are her daughter, also a lawyer, and her husband they still live on the road from what I know (I no longer live in the area) She does not own all the land, so it can not be private. The only thing that would do is mean the state was not responsible for maintenance.

  44. I grew up in that area. I was around 12 when I first heard of the legend of crybaby bridge. It was told to me that if you parked on the bridge and chanted and called upon mama you would begin to hear a baby cry. Some friends and I tried this one night and after a while of calling on mama we began to hear the crying of a baby. Of course we investigated it further and found out that it was the water running under the bridge. Or at least that was the only explanation we could come up with. That legend was iconic growing up there as well as a couple other places close by.

  45. I went past that barn where they supposedly held the KKK meetings. I went with two friends from high school. We got stuck in the snow. We heard growling in the woods. & red eyes. We got outta there fast!

  46. I usually don’t get involved in things like this, but I just want to say that i went through school with both Justin and Austin. They were both decently close friends of mine until Austin moved away and Justin went to vocational school. This horrible situation has brought grief to both of their families as well as all of us who considered both of them to be great friends until the incident. The inclusion of the story in this blog was very professional and factual and I think it’s fine to be shared. However, negative comments made by ignorant people are not needed. What’s done is done. Everyone, whether they knew the boys or not, should celebrate Justins amazing life and have empathy for the horrific psychological issues that the boys must have been troubled with who committed the crime. Thank you for reading.

    1. Thank you, Chelsea. My intent was not to open old wounds but rather to simply state the facts in the case. Given its connection to a bridge/road that already has numerous far fetched stories associated with it, I felt it was necessary to let people know what really happened. If anything, I see by my stats that hundreds of people are following the link I provided and visiting Justin’s memorial website. Hopefully those people will do as you suggested and celebrate his amazing life.

  47. My mother grew up in one of the houses on Fudge Road owned by the “crazy lady “. She swam in that creek and played with her brothers and sister on that bridge. A lot of story telling goes on about the people and the place. You just have to know them and the situation with dealing with all the menacing they deal with!
    I know the people that live there today.

    1. Rodney, I can only imagine having to deal with that. And I think too many times, people have gone down Fudge Road without ever considering how their actions might impact others. That’s why I’m hoping enough people will read the posts from people like you and realize I’m speaking the truth when I tell them they should leave Fudge Road alone!

  48. I have been to fudge road probably about 5 Times. I don’t go there to cause trouble personally but I do know that a lot of grief is given to the residents around the bridge. Four out of five visits were uneventful. Couple weird things happening, things moving around you weird animal noises (I think.). However the firth visit was….. quite honestly terrifying. Like i said when I go there I go there to honestly sit around feel out the area and just hang out in the setting. I don’t drink so I don’t cause a lot of noise and a not there to cause trouble, but obviously the residents don’t know that because I almost got ran off the road personally. I had two friends in the car with me, we are all very interested in paranormal and all that kind of stuff so we went there as a group since its safer. Heres my story.

    If you have ever driven down this road you know its a very narrow, very curvy and a very slow speed road. It was around 11pm when we turned onto the road from the side farthest from the bridge. The whole time I hadent seen a single light and then all the sudden as I come around the last bend to the straight section right beside the big white farm house on the left, two big bright as hell headlights pointed directly at my car, and all i see is a massive white van coming toward me so i hurry up and turn around in one of the driveways. and by the time i got turned around the person was on my ass, and not slowing down… I slammed on the gas and my friends were watching out the rear window as we tried to speed up and get away from them but they kept on me. So here I am being chased by a massive white van down a terrifyingly curvy road being forced to go about 65 to 70 on this 25mph road… I was absolutely terrified. I thought i was going to die and The person driving stayed on my ass the whole entire time until i got to the main road where i pulled out in front of traffic to get away from him.

    As for if its haunted or not. I have no idea. But I AM sure that there are some incredibly intense people who scare the absolute fuck out of me.

  49. Interesting read. I have to ask, though … what’s the story about the “midget house”? I noticed it a few times in the comments as well as your article, but no explanation.

    1. Tonya, the Midget House is a long-standing legend associated with one of the houses on Fudge Road. There’s no evidence to support the story as being true and unfortunately, it has resulted in numerous people trespassing and/or annoying the residents. For that reason, and also because the house has no connection to the bridge, I made the decision to not cover it too in depth for this article

    2. Tonya, the house was built facing the wrong side of Fudge Rd, so when you look at it from the street all the windows look miniature. We were always told that was the reason it got it’s name, whether that is true or not who knows.

  50. I lived about 20 minutes from Fudge rd, and went to the bridge twice. The first time, we heard no crying baby, but in just a matter of 2 minutes or so with the windows down, our whole car steamed up (in summer) and you couldn’t see out of the windows at all, strange, but not necessarily scary. Second attempt was a little more strange. We went to the bridge and immediately saw lights down the creek, where it started to get wooded, and on our way out my tire went flat, and we had to pull over and change it as fast as possible, we threw the bad tire in the trunk and got the hell out of there. But the strange part is, the shop I took my car to couldn’t find anything wrong with the tire, no holes, leaks anything. So it literally just went flat for no reason

  51. In high school, my friends and I would be so bored on the weekends we would just drive around to find scary areas… We lived like 5 miles from Fudge Road. There was one time we were just trying to find the bridge down all the back roads…trying to find the people who lived there, desperate for anything as much as a startle. We got lost somewhere off the north side of Fudge Road and ended up down a dirt road with wooden fencing alongside it. As we were creeping through the flying dust, all of a sudden an owl swooped down toward the car (no joke) like it was the devil warning us. We screamed and tore down the road hoping for another way out. We eventually came to the end of the road and we’re forced to turn back around in the midnight.. As we rolled down the road a second time, that same owl was just sitting atop one of those wooden posts staring us down. Omg that was one of the scariest nights… But we never encountered the native neighbors the multiple times we went out for a thrillride.

  52. In 1999 I went there a few times because of the stories. It was scary and if the people that lived there saw your car drive by more than once they may have chased you or whatever. In 2005 I had a friend live there and even camped out there way off the road near a creek and it was one of the most beautiful country camping experiences I ever had. I believe these tails started because the road was narrow and kinda scary at night. Then the owners got tired of the honking and rock throwing

  53. My whole family is from the area, in fact my great great grandfather built a house that my grandmother lives in now not too far from fudge rd. My mother, who is 54 and grew up around the area, knew the legends and the stories of Fudge Rd and crybaby bridge from when she was a teenager. She drove me and my brothers down it in 2000, in the day time and it still gave me the creeps!

  54. I’ve been to fudge road 3 times. The second time was roughly 8 years ago. We parked on the bridge. Said “mama, mama, mama.” Didn’t hear anything, but caught what looked like a glowing orb as I was taping. Sadly that flip phone video is non existent. The last time we went was about 3 years ago. Again we stopped on the bridge, as we looked into the creek there was a severely mutilated deer missing all its legs. Head was still attached. It was weird for sure.

  55. Visited this site with my mom a few years ago to take some pictures of the bridge We were more interested in the historical aspect of it. We came in from the 503 side during the day and was not bothered at all. I wonder how it got to be named Fudge Road. It almost seems like several of these roads out here were just farm trails at one point. I wouldn’t be surprised if there was a bridge there before the current one was built in 1913

  56. last time I went to fudge road was around august of 2013 I believe? but we got out and walked across the bridge going along the road to the right into the wooded area and there were several rows of barbed wire rolled across the road. thought it was in interesting addition to the craziness.

  57. Hello! I have been to the bridge two times and I can tell you, there IS something there. Whether it’s the woman who “threw her kid off the bridge” or not, there is something there. I have pictures to prove so. I think the locals try and say it’s not just because they’re tired of hearing cars go by at night.

  58. I grew up in Gratis and lived about a mile from “Crybaby bridge” and I remember hearing the story of the woman and her baby drowning from about the age of 7, maybe. That was about 20 years ago. My dad also grew up there and still lives in the same house, but he says that they never called it that back in the day. I’ve been on the bridge at night in a vehicle and on foot many times… nothing spooky has ever happened lol…and I honestly don’t care about the traffic there, I think if anyone ever sees anything, it’s probably to do with the insane family that owns all the property on that road.

  59. I’ve heard of a crybaby bridge in the state of Alabama. I heard of people seeing ghosts, demons, witches and and a man with horns. You ho out on the bridge throw a quarter in the water and hear a baby crying. This is how legends are started. I read the book 13 Alabama ghosts.its a good read.

  60. I had friends who lived in Gratis who used to go down the road ALL the time and they told me there were devil worshipers out there doing animal sacrifices and stuff and that they would chase you if they saw you driving out there. I have heard of people finding a lot of dead animals around there who had been murdered etc. I believe the guys and what they said. I went there a few times with them and we got chased. Went out there a few times and nothing happened. Had a friend go in the Midget house and the creepy thing about it apparently was that it was boarded up from the inside and they said there was a lot of power tools etc just laying around and trash and stuff and that it looked like there was a construction crew in there doing something and that they just up and abandoned the house leaving all their stuff in there for some reason. If that’s the case they must have been scared pretty bad to just leave in a hury and leave all those tools inside, plus how was it all boarded up from the inside? Idk what the story actually is about the Midget house but it creeps me out!

  61. I grew up near by In New Lebanon . My grandfather was born and raised out there and was the one that originally told me about the bridge. He said it’s always been called that for his entire 77 years of life. The story with the bridge was a young woman 15 or 16 threw the baby off the bridge then hung herself. My granny would always say she heard that the girl did it because she was raped.
    The midget house I was always told that midgets would come out and chase you off the road. Most the stories I heard growing up all said That the dead mutilated animals were because of the cult that use to go there.
    Been down that road tons of times. Only once did anything creepy happen….. we went on a full moon night at 3 am (always called the witching hour) as we came to the bridge, there were people off the side of the road in long hooded robes wth a huge fire going. My friend slowed down to see what was going on and it looked like they were cutting a large animal. We drove off fast after that.

    Lower Gratis road always scared me more ill never go down that one again!

  62. I grew up less than a half mile of the bridge and have been across it thousands of time’s and I’m 55 now… I had never heard it called Cry Baby Bridge until about 10 yrs ago… I knew the people that owned the majority of the property on that rd and they were pretty eccentric…They would come and try to run you off and they would always ask if you had seen the Sheriff… They thought they controlled the whole rd…… One of the property owner’s I think someone had mentioned in an earlier coment as a WW2 Vet was a pretty good fella… I have never seen anything out of the ordinary on that rd… I think that most of the legend started from people that didn’t live local… In the 70’s it was a popular hang out for us… The only thing we worried about was old man Steele calling the law…

  63. I lived in west Alex most of my childhood until 1995. My moms friends who had grown up there in the 70s are the ones I first hear about these legends from and they had always called it crybaby bridge too. I heard the same story about the mother who was mentally unstable and killed her child. And yes I heard the baby cry with several friends. It was the thing to do for teens in a small town. We went all along fudge road and visited the midgit house and the bridge. We also visited the site of some occult ritual but I can’t remember exactly where that was. I was always into visiting places like that and still love it.

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